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Important Information

  • Who can access your services?
    Anyone aged 0-18 can access our services. Please see the 'Assessments' section to find out the age ranges for individual assessments. We provide services to private families, as well as NDIS funded families (self managed or plan managed).
  • How do I access your services?
    Families can self-refer to our services or agencies may refer on the behalf of families. Go to the 'Contact' section of our website and fill out the referral form. From here, you will receive an email or phone call to discuss which services will be most appropriate for you and your family.
  • What is your fee structure?
    Our fee structure is transparent and aligns with NDIS standards. We work closely with families to ensure they understand the billing process, including any fees associated with assessments, therapy sessions, or group programs. Therapy, Assessments and Non-Face-to-Face Supports are charged at $193.99 per hour. Following your initial appointment you will receive a comprehensive Service Budget detailing the anticipated costs for your selected services.
  • How does the assessment process work?
    Our assessment process is designed not only to evaluate a child's developmental needs but also to ensure that they feel safe and supported. From the moment a family walks through our doors, our priority is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. During assessments, we endeavour to go the extra mile to foster a sense of security, encouraging children to express themselves comfortably. We believe that when children feel accepted and understood, the assessment process becomes more effective in identifying their strengths and challenges, ultimately leading to more personalised and meaningful intervention plans. Assessment processes will look different for each family and child as we ensure all our services are uniquely tailored to each of our families. A general overview of the processes is detailed below: We receive your contact form and contact you to discuss your family and child's needs We complete an Intake Interview where we take the opportunity to get to know you and your child. This is also where we gather essential information about your child and family to inform and guide our next steps. The assessments will then take place, usually in our clinic. During this time we ensure your child is safe and supported through a positive and nurturing atmosphere. Depending on the assessments we have decided upon together, this may be completed over several days. Your Therapist will then gather and collate the information gathered from the assessment and write a comprehensive report detailing the findings and a customised intervention plan to support your child's needs. We will gather again to discuss the report and findings and answer any of your questions. We will also take the time to review the intervention plan and can support you in implementing these if required.
  • Will my child receive a diagnosis from you?
    No. Our therapists are not qualified to diagnose children. We provide comprehensive assessments and reports which detail your child's strengths and weaknesses in different areas. Our assessments are designed to assist you and your child's network of supports to better understand your child. They can be used for support with educational placements and advocacy, intervention planning, and further investigation or diagnosis by a qualified practitioner to diagnose children such as a Paediatrician or Educational Psychologist. We can support you in contacting accessing and these supports.
  • What qualifications and experience do your therapists have?
    Michelle is a qualified Special Education Teacher with over 13 years experiences working with neuro diverse children. She has worked in the following areas: - Mainstream classrooms - Multi Categorical Support classrooms - Special Schools - Key Worker in Allied Health Michelle has a Bachelor of Education and a Masters in Special Education with a special interest in supporting neuro diverse children with emotional regulation.
  • Do you have a Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist in your team?
    We do not currently have a Speech Therapist or Occupational Therapist in our team. We do have qualified and experienced contractors which we can consult with on a regular basis if needed. We can also refer you to these services if required.
  • Where will our sessions take place?
    Our clinic is conveniently located at 6/512 Swift Street, Albury NSW. This serves as a welcoming and fully-equipped environment for various therapy sessions and assessments. However, we understand that each child and family have unique needs and preferences. Therefore, we offer flexibility in the location of our services. Depending on the specific requirements of the child and family, sessions can be conducted not only at our clinic but also in the comfort of your home, at childcare facilities, within school settings, or even outdoors in parks and libraries. We believe in meeting families where they are most comfortable, ensuring that the chosen setting contributes positively to the child's learning and development. While assessments are generally conducted in our clinic due to the specialised resources available, we are open to discussing individual circumstances and making arrangements that best suit the needs of your child. Feel free to discuss your preferences with our team, and together, we'll create a plan that ensures the most conducive environment for your child's growth and progress.
  • Is there parking near the clinic?
    Yes, we understand the importance of convenient parking for our families. There is one-hour parking available on the street directly outside our office on Swift Street. Additionally, there is all-day parking conveniently located just behind our clinic in the Wilson Street carpark.
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